Choose the service(s) you are interested in from the list on the right and click More for further information. Alternatively, click Services on the navigation bar.
To arrange a lesson, consultation, or make an enquiry, click Contact and submit brief details of your personal requirements.
From the information you provide, Your Music Mentor will assess and respond to your request by providing a relevant, obligation-free suggestion on how best to proceed. If you then wish to go ahead you can book and pay the relevant fee for the service required and, where appropriate, arrange mutually agreeable lesson times or consultation schedules, preferred method(s) of contact etc.
Get started in 2 simple steps…
Your Guarantee of a Quality Service
4 important reasons to feel reassured:
It is wise to exercise caution before using any service through the Internet. Your Music Mentor is aware of the importance of putting systems in place that reassure clients and protect their sensitive information.
From pay-as-you-go lessons and personalised study plans to single consults and arranging/transcription services, achieve your musical goals with the guidance of a friendly, qualified and highly experienced tutor
1. In the first instance, all prospective clients/students will contact Your Music Mentor (free and without obligation) to briefly discuss the details of their personal requirements and ask any questions they may have. Only if and when they and the mentor mutually agree that the service can be of help will they proceed to make any kind of payment.
2. Payments are made securely throughPayPal which offers a variety of payment methods and accepts most major credit cards.
3. Clients are not expected to pay for several lessons or consults in advance (unless they want to avail of the block-booking fee reduction) and are always free to operate on a pay-as-you-go basis. This eliminates the possibility of any individual feeling concerned about ‘signing up’ to a service they have not first tried out for themselves.
4.Your Music Mentor is an experienced and qualified music tutor, musician and education writer with verifiable professional credentials. For more information visit his personal website: